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Posts about Development (4):

ScotWind: what comes next?

Nov 25 2021 |

Since the process began in June 2020, to the application closing date in July this year, ScotWind Leasing (ScotWind) has been an auction that the entire wind industry has kept a keen eye on. With 75 different applications emerging, there are many big players with their sights set on the Scottish offshore wind market. The..

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The big supply chain squeeze

A huge expansion in European offshore wind is on the horizon, according to WindEurope and the European Commissioni. This is represented by a 25-fold increase in capacity in the next 30 years which is impressive, but the short-term plans are even more staggering. A five-fold increase in the next 10 years is a significant..

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How to tap into the benefits of co-location

Despite the benefits that co-location of wind and solar generation on a single site brings – from managing the peaks and troughs of generation to optimizing ROI, hybridisation strategies are still only in place on a small proportion of global clean energy sites. So what are the barriers to greater proliferation of co-located..

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