EU wave energy project reaches important milestone
How much energy can you pull out of a wave energy system? And what are the loads during a long list of different weather, wave and fault situations?
The EU project Horizon 2020 project MegaRoller, where K2 Management is a partner, has taken a huge step closer to answering those questions.
Last month the project reached an important milestone, completing an advanced custom structure interaction Wave Energy Converter (WEC) model.
“We use a mathematical representation of the interaction between the structure and the waves to estimate the loads experienced in a number of situations. The results will be used to design a sound and durable power system,” says Pauline Laporte Weywada, Senior Consultant at K2 Management.
Illustration: Distribution of hydrodynamic pressures on the panel, leading to estimates of structural deformation.
“The mathematical model uses innovative features such as a structural dynamics module to investigate structural deformations and account for the directional spread. The development of such novel functionalities will continue throughout the MegaRoller project and are expected to provide guidance for modeling practices in the wave energy sector,” she adds.
The MegaRoller project is an EU-funded research program over the period 2018-2021. The project will develop and demonstrate a 1 MW power take-off (PTO) for wave energy converters.
The technology is developed in conjunction with oscillating wave surge converters (OWSCs), a type that uses bottom-hinged panels oscillating in pitch following the surge movement of the water particles in the nearshore zone (10m-25m water depth).
For more information: www.megaroller.eu
Megaroller Partners include:
- K2 Management (originally Cruz Atcheson Consulting Engineers, acquired by K2 Management in 2018)
- AW-Energy (WaveRoller)
- ABB Finland
- WavEC Offshore Renewables
- HYDROLL The piston accumulator company
- HYDMAN Hydraulic Manifold Systems
- SINTEF Energy Research
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
- University of Bergen
- Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg