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Improving project financing with CFD – a no brainer

Jun 26 2019 |

It is no secret that project margins for investors and developers are under pressure. Auction schemes are driving down costs, whilst challenging site locations deliver an added CapEx related headache. There is a solution that can improve the outlook significantly - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) - but this is often..

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Three senior UK appointments joining our team

Jun 11 2019 |

We are proud to announce that we are strengthening our UK team with appointments to three senior positions; UK Country Director, Global Director of Asset Management and Global Manager, Due Diligence services. UK Country Director, Gary Bills; Global Director – Asset Management, Steven Ikin; Global Manager – Due Diligence..

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Why should developers prioritize best practice?

Apr 23 2019 |

In developed markets, health, safety and environmental (HSE) regulations are often robust and comprehensive but this is not always the case in emerging markets. What might sound like an opportunity to reduce costs by simply complying to local regulations could in fact be a false economy. Despite local requirements potentially..

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K2 Management Supports Commissioning of Cutia’s Wind Complex in Brazil

Apr 23 2019 |

Following a 12-month contract to deliver comprehensive owner’s engineer services, K2 Management and Cutia Empreendimentos Eólicos, a company of group Copel (Companhia Paranaense de Energia), have commissioned the final turbines at the Cutia Complex, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. K2 Management was appointed to assist Cutia..

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